Friday, July 24, 2009

birthday girl!

Here's my beautiful 6 year old! She's waiting, she knows it's coming. Ella turned 6 yesterday, so I thought I'd share what we did for the festivities.
This is the famous (in our house) meatloaf birthday cake. I cook 2 meatloafs in cake pans, then frost with mashed potatoes between the layers and on top. I added a little gravy to make it more special this year. It sure smelled good. Louie got in on it too, and there wasn't a speck left on that plate when they were done (big surprise).

I'm looking forward to leftovers myself!


Girl can Knit - Cherry Lane Knit Stamp Quilt said...

That's really (slrrrp) yummy looking! Happy birthday to your lovely puppy!!!

Sue said...

I love this!!! So fun!